Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Conversations on Hope...

Matt Strickland That's fucked up... Disapointed in humanity. :/

Toney Vega
What happened?

Matt Strickland
Some of my "friends" are just completely messed up. So much betrayel and two faced views...

Toney Vega
Yea that's always a bummer though. On the bright side, now you have more time to dedicate to other things that are beneficial to you. :)

Matt Strickland
True. Im working on myself more lately.

Toney Vega
I suppose those "friends" of yours just can't keep up with the changes.

Matt Strickland
Those "friends" of mine are a huge part of the reason why I have no hope for humanity. Loose morals and values and corrupt minds.

Toney Vega
Yea, I had that point as well. Keep developing yourself, the more grounded you become the more you attract things to you. Don't lose hope just yet, you'll be surprised at how much good there is in the world and how many open, caring, moral people there are.

Matt Strickland
Hmm. Wise words. I shall meditate on this tonight.

Toney Vega
Thanks. Tell me how it goes :)

Matt Strickland
I will.

Eden Ashley Beiser
indeed, humanity is a great disappointment.

Shani Zuldeglas
yeah no kidding...

Matt Strickland
I don't know how I'm supposed to clear the path for next step in evolution with all these immoral and disgusting people...

Shani Zuldeglas
I have just run into the same thing at the same time...

Matt Strickland
What happened?

Toney Vega
Haha not surprisingly, so have I. But we can't forget that we're clearing the path FOR these people so that they can learn a higher way of living. Right now they're acting out of fear. They're afraid of feeling inferior, afraid of opening their hearts, afraid of getting hurt, so they hurt others instead. It'll be alright and things will work ... See Moreout as long as you don't lose sight of the goal. We'll change the world, the how will take care of itself and the people who get in our way are only minor inconveniences. Don't make mountains out of mole hills :D

Matt Strickland
Damn Toney I don't understand how you can always keep so optimistic about things. I sometimes fear we can't do our job and the world will just become worse.

Shani Zuldeglas
yeah you are right toney....I have this tendacy to turn tornadic rather quickly...matt it is just the stuff that always is...the stuff that you have to try and not let it make you mad and sick...and that is so hard to do...

Matt Strickland
Lately I've been trying to live my life differently. I set my life by 4 rules based on the 4 elements. Be fluid like water and do everything you do as pure and beautiful as possible. Go with the flow like wind. life will come at you unexpected and if you go with the flow everything turns out alright. burn your grudges with fire. living life with grudges will only bring more pain. and give to everyone has earth gives to everyone.

Toney Vega
I'm so optimistic because no matter how bad things get there's always a ray of hope...and as cheesy as that sounds it's true. Look at any terrible period in history and there's always a group of people fighting for good and doing all they can for their fellow man. At its best, humanity can greatly outshine it's deepest of flaws in my opinion. I guess what I'm trying to say is that the more positive you are the more you attract positivity.

Matt Strickland
True. The law of attraction is a real thing. I know in times it may be hard for me to be as optimistic has most. But I will try and be more optimistic about life and the future. The grass is much greener on the other side.

Toney Vega
That's good to hear my friend :)

Shani Zuldeglas guys are causing me to have some hope again....

Toney Vega
:D There's always reason to hope Ms. Wind.

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