Isn't it funny how we live in a society that discourages individuality? How we live in a place where both the intellectual or enlightened individual shares something with the fool in that they can't think for themselves? We're all guilty of subscribing to group-think. Whether it be choosing to smoke because someone told you it was cool or choosing a religion because of what an 8,000 year old book says. Don't get me wrong, I certainly see the importance of spirituality, but religions (in any form) are nothing more than forms of thought control. No matter how you spin it. I grow tired of individuals talking about how they're "enlightened" or "awakened" when really they're just looking at the same picture from a different angle. No matter which way you look at a puppy, be it from the front, back, side, upside down, whatever it's still a puppy. If you take an existing belief system and look at it from a different historical context that doesn't make it new, just different. I'm speaking in particular about Black Hebrews and belief systems like it.
(For appeal's sake I'm using God instead of Yhah)
Before you try and grill me with scripture let's take a look at your scripture for a second. Who was the Hebrew bible written by? I certainly have no idea, and as much as you would like to push the point that it's God's word the fact is that God didn't write it unless you literally believe the bible descended from the sky. So since the majority of us can believe that a human wrote this bible then let's think for a second. You're basing your entire belief system off of the ideas that one man or multiple men compiled in a book millenia ago? I mean certainly they could have been inspired by God but I feel like it's quite audacious to claim that something MAN wrote is to be considered the sacred word of GOD. Who even made it sacred? Man did, who even holds a reverence towards that book? Man does. So maybe now you're able to see my point of thought control, just to be sure though let's dive a little deeper in the idea of control.
(On Control)
Many of us black people feel as though there is a power structure bent on keeping us oppressed. Though I can certainly concede the point that life isn't easy for a black person in America, I wouldn't consider our status oppressed. Disproportionate, yes. Discriminatory, yes. Unjust, sure. But oppressed is too harsh a term. But all semantics aside, let's focus back on this power structure. We (and I use "we" very loosely) seem to point to this power structure as our reason for our unjust status in America but let's consider for a second another possibility. The power structure doesn't cause our social status, rather, it's the perceived power structure that causes our unjust social position. Think about it, when every black multi-millionaire/important person is asked about how they overcame their racial issues they all give the same answer "It was an obstacle but I didn't let it phase me." It's all about how you define yourself. If you want to overcome race then overcome it. Don't sit around and blame this or that for you not receiving the outcome you want, the problem lies with you. You aren't flawed or anything, don't get me wrong, you just can't be afraid to face adversity on the road to becoming what you feel in your heart that you should be. The Answer to "How?" is yes. That simply means that we have no control over the how, all we have is the illusion of control. So don't delude yourself with illusions, instead lose yourself in the moment. Only by being present in the here and now can we find true happiness. If we get stuck in the past or obsessed with the future then we can never progress.
(On Secret Societies and Illuminati)
There are some of you who will dispute everything I say with conspiracy and questions of the Illuminati and other Secret Societies that presumably run the country. If these societies are so well engrained in our society then how will we ever hope to gain any bit of information on then? If I were a secret society with a bunch of power then anything that held any truth about me would either be kept top secret or destroyed. The public would only receive the information that I'd want them to know meaning it'd either be half-truths to mislead the public or it'd only be the positive things my organization does so they wouldn't know our underhanded side. Basically it just doesn't make sense to blame secret societies for anything because you never really know if they exist or not. If they do exist you won't possibly be able to know anything true about them unless you joined and became a member of their most inner circle, and if they don't exist then you're wasting time pondering/blaming things that aren't real. If there is truly a powerful and influential secret society out there then it's one that none of us have heard of and there would be no mention of it anywhere.
To those of you who'll back up your claims of secret societies with symbolism then ponder this. How would you know what a symbol really meant? Sure you can do research but who put out the information you're taking in and how are they connected to the secret society you're trying to learn about? All things are connected and all the information you're looking at is a form of propaganda told from one bias or another. So how do you know what you're watching/reading isn't propaganda about said secret society that was distributed by said secret society so that people like you would become lost in the illusion of truth? That's the thing about symbols, anyone can make something out of nothing, but to make nothing out of something is art. Basically the people who look at the dollar bill and think nothing of it are just as lost as the people who look at the dollar bill and see Illuminati references.
Here's the summary of this rant. There is no dualism in the truth. Everything, no matter how far-fetched or conservative is a part of the universal truth. Think about it, a UNIVERSAL truth would be something that applies to the entire UNIVERSE and all things bizarre, mundane, complex and mundane. Your system of beliefs and faith in one ancient book is just like the generation before yours and also completely different. They're completely different in that theirs was a form of submission and coping with that feeling of submission and yours is a system of awakening and improvement. They're fundamentally the same though in that there are base rules for a person to follow in order to be considered a part of the group or an enlightened member of the group. For one it's a belief in Jesus dying for your sins and in the other it's a belief that black people are God's chosen. If you don't follow this mentality you're excluded from the system. Does that sound like anything other than thought control? Every civilization that's been recorded has had some sort of official religion or God-like figure, and that's fact. So how then is any new religion different from all the control mechanisms that have come before it?
(The New Breed)
There is a new breed of humanity on the way that sees the truths of the last two generations. These coming waves of Indigo Children will be the ones to make way for the next era in human consciousness and the only way to be a part of the new times will be to find your own truths and your own beliefs independent of anyone else's beliefs. The dark ages are over my friends, I'll be waiting for you in the light.
Saturday, March 27, 2010
Saturday, March 20, 2010
A Brave New World
If it's one thing that's constant in the world it's change. Whether driven by violent conflict or a clash of ideals things are always changing. It's been a few centuries since our last great revolutions and I feel as though the world is overdue for another one. Don't you feel it too? The restlessness? The anxiety? The emptiness? The growing sense of nihilism that's becoming more intense by the day? We're in desperate need of the new, because the mundane just won't due. Wake up people, we're living in a system that is rapidly lulling us into a state of quiet comatose while it continues to weave delusions of grandeur in our heads. Yes, it's true that we're creations of the Gods, but that doesn't give us any more dominion over the planet than the tigers or dolphins. We evolved from that same pool of muck that bore the colossal whale so why do we feel more privileged/haughty just because we have shiny machines to do stuff for us? We must continue to evolve and not fall into this illusion of "safety." There is no such thing as being "safe" in the world, you're always vulnerable to something, so why not focus on being prepared for anything rather than constantly removing yourself from everything. The next revolution is coming, and if you don't take your own evolutionary destiny into your hands then someone else will control it for you; take what they consider your weaknesses and get rid of them regardless to how you feel about the change. This revolution has nothing to do with your religion or your career. It has everything however to do with you.
Everyone wants to be an individual but no one wants to be themselves.
Thursday, March 11, 2010
Haven't done a music thing in a while...
Hello music lovers, I'm back with yet another album you should listen to: The Kills - Midnight Boom. I won't lie, this album may take a little getting used to but once you get the vibe you're hooked. I ran across this group by accident really. During one of my more riveting days of unemployment I was watching the Current Network (Awesome tv by the way...) and they did an interview with VV and Hotel from the group The Kills. I had heard about them before from artists like Lightspeed Champion (His album review coming soon) and The Wombats but I never really looked into them much. Better late than never I suppose.
All anecdotes aside I really really really digg this band. They're kind of like a grittier version of The White Stripes if Jack and Meg White switched places and shared the spotlight more often. VV (Alison Mosshart) delivers her vocals with the perfect balance of raw, in-your-face power and laid-back (almost teasing) cocky playfulness. Hotel (Jamie Hince) delivers his heavy guitar work in such striking fashion that I'm still left reeling from the chords after the album's finished. This is such a good album any music fan should check it out at least as a break from the mainstream. It's raw, it's gritty, it's heavy-hitting but you'll love every second of it.
Inspiration -Love-
Life's starting to look really good again folks. Time to run on a full tank of dreams wherever life is taking me! I'm back on that up and up where the lights are just a little bit brighter, the colors are a little bit more vibrant, and nothing is as blissful as a kiss on a warm day. Hello world, Toney Gaines is back :)
Wednesday, March 10, 2010
Inspiration -Pain-
So a lot of times in life we go through some stuff. Like honestly, we go through some real shit. Personally, so far this year I've dealt with a painful breakup from a relationship that I thought was serious and the death of a friend. Both have left holes in my heart that I doubt will ever heal entirely. Sure, everyday makes it a little bit easier and I'm able to overlook her dating again (the very guy she said she wasn't going to pursue) or I'm able to let her go a little bit more and not take the loss so personally, but I still lament them both. What am I trying to say here...I guess the point I'm trying to get at is that I'm not down. I'm hurt, it's affecting me, but I feel as though I'm being sculpted. Each day I feel lighter like another piece has been chiselled away and I can feel the divine in everything just a little bit more. Haha I feel like I should say something/make a point that's easy to remember for all of you that actually read this. I guess what I'm getting at is that everything's a choice. It certainly may not feel that way and I'm by no means expecting any human to go through drama completely unphased, but you can choose how long you let things affect you. I'm currently in another relationship and as silly as it may be I'm feeling pretty damn optimistic about it. I'm able to talk about losing my friend now...I can actually tell my story and share my relationship to her without wanting to cry over her death. Life goes on people. The world keeps on spinning and the moment continues to grow and blossom, building upon itself. We can't be so wrapped up in our own grief that we fail to see the beauty in others. There's a time to grieve and there's a time to be with yourself, away from the world, but you have to know when that time is over and when it's time to return to the world around you. I know people who have been holding on to the same situations for years. Carrying around that grief for years, that pain for years, that hurt for years and all of that torment is taken out on everyone around them. The woman from a bad relationship who finds it hard to trust a man. The man from a bad relationship who chooses to victimize women because of the experience. The friend who loses themselves and pushes everyone around them away. We all know these people. We've all been these people. Some of us are bound to be these people again. It's not worth the pain, and pessimism doesn't make the suffering any easier. I encourage you to let all of that past stuff go and relish in the now. The time for grief is over, get back to the things that are really important: Finding out about yourself, showing love to the things around you, and developing a way to live in harmony with your surroundings. If I believed in prayer I'd say one for you all but instead of that I have something
Tuesday, March 9, 2010
Sorry for the delay...
But I'm working on something big and when I'm done you'll be the first ones to know. Lately I've been coagulating all my ideas about life, it's purpose, how to live it blissfully, the afterlife, and the nature of God and now it's all starting to come together. Over the next few weeks (possibly month(s) depending on how busy I am) I'll be writing a manifesto containing all the ideas of this new philosophy I've dubbed "Transhumanism." I don't want to give out any spoilers or anything, but loose traces of these ideals can be seen all across my blogs, posts, comments, etc. I'll be out of the lab as soon as this new potion's mixed~
Dr. Toxin - Out.
Dr. Toxin - Out.
Wednesday, March 3, 2010
Conversations on Hope...
Matt Strickland That's fucked up... Disapointed in humanity. :/
Toney Vega
What happened?
Matt Strickland
Some of my "friends" are just completely messed up. So much betrayel and two faced views...
Toney Vega
Yea that's always a bummer though. On the bright side, now you have more time to dedicate to other things that are beneficial to you. :)
Matt Strickland
True. Im working on myself more lately.
Toney Vega
I suppose those "friends" of yours just can't keep up with the changes.
Matt Strickland
Those "friends" of mine are a huge part of the reason why I have no hope for humanity. Loose morals and values and corrupt minds.
Toney Vega
Yea, I had that point as well. Keep developing yourself, the more grounded you become the more you attract things to you. Don't lose hope just yet, you'll be surprised at how much good there is in the world and how many open, caring, moral people there are.
Matt Strickland
Hmm. Wise words. I shall meditate on this tonight.
Toney Vega
Thanks. Tell me how it goes :)
Matt Strickland
I will.
Eden Ashley Beiser
indeed, humanity is a great disappointment.
Shani Zuldeglas
yeah no kidding...
Matt Strickland
I don't know how I'm supposed to clear the path for next step in evolution with all these immoral and disgusting people...
Shani Zuldeglas
I have just run into the same thing at the same time...
Matt Strickland
What happened?
Toney Vega
Haha not surprisingly, so have I. But we can't forget that we're clearing the path FOR these people so that they can learn a higher way of living. Right now they're acting out of fear. They're afraid of feeling inferior, afraid of opening their hearts, afraid of getting hurt, so they hurt others instead. It'll be alright and things will work ... See Moreout as long as you don't lose sight of the goal. We'll change the world, the how will take care of itself and the people who get in our way are only minor inconveniences. Don't make mountains out of mole hills :D
Matt Strickland
Damn Toney I don't understand how you can always keep so optimistic about things. I sometimes fear we can't do our job and the world will just become worse.
Shani Zuldeglas
yeah you are right toney....I have this tendacy to turn tornadic rather quickly...matt it is just the stuff that always is...the stuff that you have to try and not let it make you mad and sick...and that is so hard to do...
Matt Strickland
Lately I've been trying to live my life differently. I set my life by 4 rules based on the 4 elements. Be fluid like water and do everything you do as pure and beautiful as possible. Go with the flow like wind. life will come at you unexpected and if you go with the flow everything turns out alright. burn your grudges with fire. living life with grudges will only bring more pain. and give to everyone has earth gives to everyone.
Toney Vega
I'm so optimistic because no matter how bad things get there's always a ray of hope...and as cheesy as that sounds it's true. Look at any terrible period in history and there's always a group of people fighting for good and doing all they can for their fellow man. At its best, humanity can greatly outshine it's deepest of flaws in my opinion. I guess what I'm trying to say is that the more positive you are the more you attract positivity.
Matt Strickland
True. The law of attraction is a real thing. I know in times it may be hard for me to be as optimistic has most. But I will try and be more optimistic about life and the future. The grass is much greener on the other side.
Toney Vega
That's good to hear my friend :)
Shani Zuldeglas guys are causing me to have some hope again....
Toney Vega
:D There's always reason to hope Ms. Wind.
Toney Vega
What happened?
Matt Strickland
Some of my "friends" are just completely messed up. So much betrayel and two faced views...
Toney Vega
Yea that's always a bummer though. On the bright side, now you have more time to dedicate to other things that are beneficial to you. :)
Matt Strickland
True. Im working on myself more lately.
Toney Vega
I suppose those "friends" of yours just can't keep up with the changes.
Matt Strickland
Those "friends" of mine are a huge part of the reason why I have no hope for humanity. Loose morals and values and corrupt minds.
Toney Vega
Yea, I had that point as well. Keep developing yourself, the more grounded you become the more you attract things to you. Don't lose hope just yet, you'll be surprised at how much good there is in the world and how many open, caring, moral people there are.
Matt Strickland
Hmm. Wise words. I shall meditate on this tonight.
Toney Vega
Thanks. Tell me how it goes :)
Matt Strickland
I will.
Eden Ashley Beiser
indeed, humanity is a great disappointment.
Shani Zuldeglas
yeah no kidding...
Matt Strickland
I don't know how I'm supposed to clear the path for next step in evolution with all these immoral and disgusting people...
Shani Zuldeglas
I have just run into the same thing at the same time...
Matt Strickland
What happened?
Toney Vega
Haha not surprisingly, so have I. But we can't forget that we're clearing the path FOR these people so that they can learn a higher way of living. Right now they're acting out of fear. They're afraid of feeling inferior, afraid of opening their hearts, afraid of getting hurt, so they hurt others instead. It'll be alright and things will work ... See Moreout as long as you don't lose sight of the goal. We'll change the world, the how will take care of itself and the people who get in our way are only minor inconveniences. Don't make mountains out of mole hills :D
Matt Strickland
Damn Toney I don't understand how you can always keep so optimistic about things. I sometimes fear we can't do our job and the world will just become worse.
Shani Zuldeglas
yeah you are right toney....I have this tendacy to turn tornadic rather quickly...matt it is just the stuff that always is...the stuff that you have to try and not let it make you mad and sick...and that is so hard to do...
Matt Strickland
Lately I've been trying to live my life differently. I set my life by 4 rules based on the 4 elements. Be fluid like water and do everything you do as pure and beautiful as possible. Go with the flow like wind. life will come at you unexpected and if you go with the flow everything turns out alright. burn your grudges with fire. living life with grudges will only bring more pain. and give to everyone has earth gives to everyone.
Toney Vega
I'm so optimistic because no matter how bad things get there's always a ray of hope...and as cheesy as that sounds it's true. Look at any terrible period in history and there's always a group of people fighting for good and doing all they can for their fellow man. At its best, humanity can greatly outshine it's deepest of flaws in my opinion. I guess what I'm trying to say is that the more positive you are the more you attract positivity.
Matt Strickland
True. The law of attraction is a real thing. I know in times it may be hard for me to be as optimistic has most. But I will try and be more optimistic about life and the future. The grass is much greener on the other side.
Toney Vega
That's good to hear my friend :)
Shani Zuldeglas guys are causing me to have some hope again....
Toney Vega
:D There's always reason to hope Ms. Wind.
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